Arkansas Chapterof theAmerican Fisheries Society |
Nominating and Awards Members of this committee include the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past-President who will serve as chair. This committee solicits recommendations of candidates or nominees for the office of Secretary, Treasurer, and President-Elect. They obtain consent from nominees and provide them with a procedural manual so they are familiar with job responsibilities. They insure that all nominees are AFS Parent Society members and that they are willing and able to serve competently. This committee oversees the election process, which is focused at the annual business meeting. The committee is encouraged to involve the membership by facilitating nominations from the floor and offering mail and/or electronic ballots for members who do not attend the annual business meeting. This committee develops criteria for the Robert M. Jenkins Award for Outstanding Conservation Achievement and the Joe Hogan Award for Individual Achievement. |
Environmental Affairs This committee develops position statements, advisories, and resolutions representing the Chapter's opinions, recommendations, and advice regarding environmental issues of concern to the Chapter. They solicit issues for consideration from the membership, maintain a constant vigil for new issues of concern, and monitor comment announcements to insure that no deadlines pass without the Chapter's consent. They respond to requests for information on environmental issues and concerns from the Parent Society, other sub-units, or non-Society entities as directed by the Chapter President. |
This committee plans, organizes, and administers Chapter fundraising activities. They are also encouraged to propose Chapter participation in activities such as: National Hunting and Fishing Day, annual float trip and clean-up, recreation at Chapter meetings, kid's fishing clinics. The committee plans, organizes, and administers all aspects of raffle/auction held at the annual Chapter meeting. They schedule the raffle/auction in coordination with the Program Committee. They administer collection of all raffle/auction items, sells raffle tickets (in coordination with the Treasurer), conduct the raffle or auction, and send letters to donors thanking them for their donations. |